Wednesday, January 20, 2010


It's quite hard to believe that it has only been a week and a few days since I've arrived Edinburgh. I've seen the snow fall and melt, my room transform from a jail cell into somewhat of a cozy space, and I have learned a new list of commonly used words of the Scots.. as well as those not to use. Like bangs. Ya know, like the hair on your forehead? Well, here you say fringe. bang is only used in reference to the Ricky Martin lyrics.. she bangs, she bangs. Another month from now I will be in need of a fringe trim, so note to myself.. don't walk into a salon asking for a bang trim, nor should you add that you're anal about your bangs.

My flat overlooks the meadows, which also happens to be somewhat of a golf course. There are about 20 doors in my flat, all of which close as if you're slamming the door in the face of your mother when you're an angry teenager. Some lead to toilets, others bedrooms, others closets, others showers, others kitchen. I try to stay outside of my flat as much as possible.

The clouds and the weather have not bothered me yet. It's still exciting to wake up each day and throw on an outfit from my closet of coats, boots, gloves, scarfs, hats, sweaters, socks, tights, and earmuffs. All of which I wear daily and nightly. Unless I find myself inside a pub, class, Starbucks, or somewhere else I can find warmth. In fact, as I'm writing this blog now I am sitting under a beaming Starbucks sign hanging in the window, with coat, sweater, scarf, and gloves beside me. With English Breakfast Tea in a mug because Starbucks in the UK only serve their drinks in mugs.

Today I had my first class, in a church. Ya, so Napier has transformed a nearby church into a lecture building. The stained class lies behind the lecturer. Sustaining People, Planet, and Profit. I walked in late, and listened to an hour lecture about Homosapians and Australopithecus. In about an hr I'll be going to my Forensic Biology course. CSI watch out for me.

You may have read earlier from my Blood post that I found myself reaping benefit from the generous health care of the UK. Scotland also has no sales tax. They have a beverage called Iron Bru which is sold more than Coca Cola, imagine that. I hear it's the cure for a hangover, I'd believe it since it's completely sugar water with a dash of orange coloring.

I guess this would be the time I'd introduce to you some of the people I've met. I'll just list one for now. Amy Williams. I know right, Amy and Jaime Williams?! She's from Virginia, and has been by my side a majority of this week. Ironically enough she has a nose piercing, it's a hoop. Our first conversation was, "OMG!! My best friends have hoop nose rings, and seeing you with one makes brings me so much joy!!" (Nsh and Sarah, I hope you are reading this and feel loved because I am obviously incapable of making any friends that are different from you both)Amy has a friend named Mike who lives in Edinburgh and he's been showing us around a bit. His friend Fraz, made Amy and I a homemade good ol' Scottish breakfast the other day. This consisted of Haggis and black pudding. Haggis is traditionally served in a sheep's stomach, it's a strange oatmeal mixture. black pudding tastes like seasoning. I enjoyed both.

On Saturday a few of us caught a train to Sterling, Scotland. Home of William Wallace, and T-shirts of William.. well they look more like Mel Gibson. We hiked up to his memorial and overlooked the battlefield where he conquered the English troops in that first battle in Braveheart.. remember that one? While we were there Amy, Jordan and I decided to ditch out on the castle tour and ate at this local Thai food restaurant. It was completely random and awesome.

I went to a comedy club the other night called the Comedy Stand. The host was from Glasgow and spoke at an ungodly speed. Fortunately the other comedians were a bit easier on the ears, and their humor.. well it's sexual to say the least. I've watched a few beer pong games take place, and of course the Scots and all others outside of America think it's a brilliant game. I managed to play three rounds, and of the three I made one cup. I guess that happens when you've taken a hiatus from the sport.

Last Sunday I walked down to Rose Street and went to the 11:00 service at Charlotte Baptist Church. It was packed with all ages, sizes, and ethnicity. I found myself standing up and down numerous times throughout the service as we sang hymnals to the tune of the organ. I don't mind standing during worship, but when you're sitting in row that offers nearly no leg room, even for someone my height, it makes standing up and down a bit difficult. Aside from the awkwardness of worship, the pastor was incredible. In fact, for those of you who attend FLOOD in San Diego.. you know how Matt often opens his sermons with an update of football? The pastor at Charlotte Baptist begin his sermon with a reference to the upcoming Rugby season. I smiled to myself thinking of Matt and FLOOD at that moment. He spoke out of Philippians chapter 3, about our citizenship in Heaven as Christ followers. I plan on going back this Sunday.

Last night I decided to check out the Christian Union on campus and met some awesome Scottish kids. Three of whom are lovely girls that I plan on spending more time with in the future. After the meeting we went to a local pub, shared some cokes and talked for a bit about life and the O.C. I do believe I've met the Scottish Seth Cohen, and he happens to be equally obsessed with the O.C. I'm finding little pieces of home everywhere here.

You may have caught this from my recent facebook status, but I have been spending some time in the Elephant House cafe. Home of Harry Potter. Yes, the brilliant J.K. Rowling herself lives here in Edinburgh and wrote Harry Potter at this very cafe. I even sat down at the table which overlooks the castle and Hariot's school which Hogwarts is inspired by. Elephants are also my favorite animal, so the combination of elephants the birth site of Harry Potter is simply beautiful.

Vocabulary lessons of the day. cue is a line of people, uni is college, pants are underwear, and trousers are pants, toilet is bathroom, and Starbucks grande is Starbucks grande.

For those of you are in either a sorority or fraternity, this story may bring you a laugh. At the welcome gate in Edinburgh when I first arrived, I met a girl named Kerri from New York. We were sitting with other students from Napier who are from France. Kerri and I began to talk about our uni life back in the states and I asked her, "are you greek?" She laughed, looked confused, and the others in the group burst out into laughter as well. I soon realized they thought I meant greek, ya know like.. are you from Greece? I must have looked crazy considering Kerri and I had just been talking about our lives in the states, but I quickly redeemed myself and said, "Nooooo, like sorority and fraternity life!" Although, ever since my French mates now shout out greek when they see me.

Stay tuned for future reports of my life in Edinburgh.


  1. Jaime I LOVE your blog, it's so interesting to hear about your adventures! I love the Greek story at the end :) What's your address btw?

  2. So glad you are having a fabulous time. And love your pics on facebook.

  3. We need a new blog entry James!
